The Worker in Me by Tracey Maguire

This is the branding Tracey Maguire wants for her new business. The following are a series of books yet to be compressed and edited: The Knowing in Me, The Maker in Me (see facebook), The Thinker in Me, The Teacher in Me, The Dreamer in Me, The Looker in Me, and The Writer in Me. There’s more on the way, and the anthology is growing. There’s a job ahead of Tracey but she’s getting herself into position and making good ground. We are all tuning in now to see where she goes next. Keep following her trail and you see all the clues she drops. Tracey Maguire is…The ‘word’ in Me and she has a few more words to say yet.

3 responses to “The Worker in Me by Tracey Maguire


    Tracey’s amazing. I admire what she’s doing and how she’s doing it. I am blown away by the reason why she’s doing it. I hope she goes all the way!!

    • She’s definitely making lee-way Louise, but that’s her middle name. One has to Trace The Worker in Me to the source. There’s more developments just around the corner because The Worker in Me has alerted some special people. That’s all I’m saying for the moment, so keep watching.

  2. The Worker in Me is a real story. A real story is one that happens to real people. Tracey Maguire is a real person with a real story to tell. It landed right on top of her. She’s going to get out from under it soon. How will she get out from under? She’s crawling, but soon she’ll be walking. After that, she’ll be running. She’ll never run out of words. The story continually unfolds. This is The Worker in Me.

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